Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ipoh - Sky Lounge

Like I had said in the previous post, these days, Ipoh is undergoing a lot of developments and one of it is the arrival of Sky Lounge. Located above the MH Hotel next to the McDonald's Drive Thru, I have problem understanding why on earth there is a sky lounge overlooking nothing but roads and highways. I mean, shouldn't sky lounge be built with beautiful sceneries to look at?

At the Sky Lounge

What to look at from up here???

That weekend when I went back home, me and few of my friends went there after being disappointed by the lack of chocolate fondue action on Saturday. For those who think this Sky Lounge is some shady places filled with tattooed peoples smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, think again. Yes, smokers and drinkers were aplenty (we were the drinkers) but there's nothing shady at all about it. In fact, it's so safe that some parents brought their children along! I'm not judgemental and the kids being theirs, it's their prerogatives.

Our drinks

Anyway, back to the Sky Lounge. The place itself is quite cool and relaxing albeit with ear pumping music playing along. As for the drinks, for me, while it was quite cheap, it somehow tasted diluted. I mean, the tequila I ordered tasted a bit watery. Well, RM11.00 a shot, I guess it's part of the deal.

Group shot


p/s Holiday's coming soon! Yippee! Can't wait for it!