Friday, October 11, 2013

Cherating - Releasing Baby Turtles (Media Trip 2013)

We learned about these vulnerable sea creatures in the Cherating Turtle Sanctuary and when we went back to the hotel later in the day, we were given the opportunities to be the one releasing these adorable baby turtles back into open water. One word best described the experience; AWESOME!

The hotel management brought out two boxes containing these fragile babies for us to do the honors. While we were at the beach, there was a family of Westerners and they were invited to join us as well. The saying, picture worth a thousand words and in this case, words simply insufficient. So, just enjoy the pictures.

The lucky family

The family becomes an instant celebrity...

The family has a lot of fun, especially the kid

Everyone was busy taking that best shot of these baby turtles and most of us refused to let them back into the sea. They kept bringing them further away from the sea so that they can have a few extra moment with them. I, too, am guilty of this. They are just too freaking adorable.

Try as I might, I failed to produce a decent shot...

Eventually, we have to just let them go, however unwilling we may be. As the sun set, we bade them a safe trip, wondering how many of these hatchlings will make it back alive in the next few years.

I'll fight my way to the sea

All these photos are taken with my friend's Samsung S3. Sadly, none of mines are usable. This trip is made possible thanks to the peoples of M-Mode Berhad, Santai Travel, Tourism Malaysia and The Legend Resort Cherating. 



  1. The fact that only 1% of the baby turtles will survive make it more sentimental to us all! Hopefully, they will recognize their 'kampung' and return back to hatch there, after their journeys :)

  2. Isn't it sad that they have to struggle to stay alive? Such a pretty little babies...
